Water is often thought of as the most essential of the Elements for sustaining life. Humans, of course, cannot live without it, and the same is true of animals and plant life. Before the advent of roads, water provided humans with the most efficient means of travel, and it is still host to one quarter of the biodiversity found on Earth. Associated with the Moon, psychic abilities, dreams, and the realm of emotions, the Water Element is a shape-shifter, moving easily throughout the world by following the path of least resistance.
It can exist as a solid in the form of ice, or as a gas in tiny particles in the air. It takes the form of puddles after rain, only to disappear again in the sunshine. Water is represented by lakes, streams, rivers, oceans, and rain, and is beneficial in its cleansing, purifying, healing and nourishing qualities.
Yet it can be a threat to life when it manifests as stormy seas, riptides, and even severe rainstorms. The Water Element is powerful when interacting with the other classical Elements, as it can extinguish Fire, flood the Earth, and combine with Air to corrode and dissolve metals. Generally speaking, however, Water is one of the more soothing Elements when it comes to the human spirit.
Connecting with the Element of Water
One of the nicest ways to enhance your energetic connection with the Element of Water is to go swimming! Natural bodies of water—lakes, rivers, ponds, the ocean—are ideal, but swimming pools also work well. Take a moment to notice how you feel before, during, and after your time in the water and you’ll get a good sense of the power of this Element. If swimming isn’t an option, take a refreshing bath or shower, noticing the way the water feels on your skin.
Make a point of appreciating the water you drink, giving thanks for its life-sustaining properties. Take a walk in the rain, or just listen to the sound of it falling outside your window. You can also play recordings of ocean waves, bubbling brooks, or thunderstorms to get the essence of Water flowing in your life. Finally, soaking in a ritual bath before celebrating Sabbats and Esbats, or before magical work always enhances your personal power.
Spiritual and Magical Associations of Element of Water:
Deity: the Goddess
Energy: receptive, feminine
Direction: West
Tools: chalice, cauldron
Colors: blue, green, indigo, black
Season: Autumn
Zodiac Signs: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio
Magical uses: In a black bowl, water can be used for scrying. Water is a base ingredient for most magical teas & potions, and is used in various forms of spellwork.