Absolutely crucial to our minute-by-minute existence, Air is the ever-present Element that is all around us, yet impossible to see. Indeed, it is only visible through the interactions it has with the other Elements: Earth, Water, and Fire. The Air Element is represented by the sky, wind, birds, and mountaintops, and is associated with the mind, the intellect, communication and divination.
Like Water, Air is an Element of movement. It is not fixed to the ground, but instead can rise up and travel around the globe. Air’s energies can cause rapid change, such as shifts in the wind’s direction and fluctuations in temperature. Air is essential to life because it contains oxygen, but also because it scatters seeds across the ground so that new plant life can take root in the Earth.
The destructive attributes of Air come in the form of storms—especially tornadoes—as well as dangerously cold or hot temperatures. When sufficiently energetic, Air can move Water and extinguish Fire. Air can both move Earth—in the form of blowing soil—and be obstructed by it, such as when wind is blocked by the shelter of a cave. In the form of a soft breeze, however, Air can be experienced as the gentle, reassuring whisper of the God and Goddess.
Connecting with the Air Element
Obviously, we are literally in constant interaction with Air as we are always breathing. But being conscious of your breath is important when it comes to truly relating to this “classical” Element. Many different breathing exercises, such as those found in yoga and meditation practices, can help you enhance your spiritual connection with Air. So can taking a walk in the brisk wind, noticing how the air moves across your skin.
Make a point of spending time outdoors in the fresh air whenever you can. Appreciate every cool breeze you encounter on a hot day. Watch the movements of clouds and trees as they sway in the wind. If you’re craving a deeper connection with Air but can’t get outside, turn on a fan and sit right in front of it, giving thanks for its cool, refreshing essence.
Spiritual and Magical Associations of the Element of Air:
Deity: the God
Energy: masculine, projective
Direction: East
Tools: wand or athame, depending on tradition; incense; bell
Colors: yellow, white, silver
Season: Spring
Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Magical Uses: Air is involved in the burning of incense and in smudging rituals. Breath-work and ritual movements and dance also utilize the energy of Air. The direction of the wind can be used to enhance certain types of spellwork.